Turn your Passion into a Business Online Course


An easy step-by-step program to turn your passion into a business.

What you’ll get:

  • A 10-week course to turn your passion into a business
  • 1.5-hour discovery session with Lizelle Hartley creator of the Passion to Business Course
  • Be part of an exclusive group in Feb / March 2023 where you will get support and guidance through this course & connect with other like-minded people

P2B Covers these 8 steps to turn your passion into a business:

  1. Your roadmap – Let’s lay out how to turn your passion into a business
  2. Where to start – What is your vision, passion and mission?
  3. ICA – Your Ideal Customer Avatar
  4. Budget – Plan your budget
  5. Action Plan – Your next steps to achieve your goals
  6. Brand Strategy – Create your brand, the look, and feel of your business
  7. Systems and Processes – Find out what systems & processes you need in place
  8. Schedule and Goals – Get your schedule and start working on your business goals!

Can’t wait for you to start an incredible journey of turning your PASSION into a BUSINESS or taking your business to the next level.

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