
Find inspiration through my books or dive into an online course to start your next journey!


Believe in you by Lizelle Hartley

i, ... BELIEVE IN YOU by Lizelle Hartley

Sets out an easy to follow plan to assist you in achieving just that. She takes you on a journey through B-eginning, E-ncouragement, L-ively, I-nspiration, E-nergy, V-aliant and finally E-ffective to help you to stay focused on your goals and travel with purpose towards another exciting phase of your life.
Believe in you by Lizelle Hartley

LAZEL by Lizelle Hartley

You would never guess when meeting the polished, poised, and lively woman today that from the age of eight suffered a life of trauma, poverty, and struggles with an undiagnosed learning disorder. Hartley tells the story of a child who slipped through every crack there was.  Within this book, Lizelle opens her heart, tells her story and gives guidance to empower others who need it.

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